Commercial Carpet Cleaning

Carpets are among the dirtiest surfaces of any building. But cleaning carpets at home is one story; cleaning those at the office is another. Making carpets unblemished again after accommodating so many footsteps could drain the average janitor.
Not to CCG's commercial carpet cleaners, trained to prepare sullied fabrics anew for another workday. Recondition your carpets now by engaging our commercial carpet cleaning services in Melbourne (CBD and elsewhere).
CCG provides the option to either steam clean or dry clean your carpets. Each method has its own benefits, and our consultants will work with you to establish the best solution for your needs.

Carpet Dry Cleaning
You may need more help than you care to admit with your carpet. It may have become filthy beyond your best efforts, or you are just having trouble getting it cleaned regularly.
CCG can dry clean carpets for a reasonable quote. Dry-cleaning a carpet is your best choice if you are pressed for time: say, when you urgently need the room for a meeting. There are four steps involved in the dry cleaning process, all of which ensure a professional and high quality service.
Thorough industrial strength vacuum of the whole area to remove all loose debris
Pre-treatment of stains with specialised cleaning solutions.
The carpet dry cleaning machine agitates the carpet surface to lift dirt and stains from the carpet. the carpet.
Finally, your carpet is groomed after cleaning to reset the pile and provide a neat and tidy finish.
Steam Cleaning
Unlike dry-cleaning, steam-cleaning carpets literally uses steam to help clean your carpets. The latter takes more time than the former but the quality can be worth it. So if you want your carpet to resemble its former glory, steam cleaning may be the better option. Have our professional steam cleaners undo days of dirt and revitalise your carpet through a meticulous process that includes:
Thorough industrial strength vacuum of the whole area to remove all loose debris. Proficient cleaning and attention to this step is important as it leaves less dry soil and contaminants which helps to reduce the muddy mixture that results from the application of steam in subsequent steps.
Pre-treatment of stains with specialised cleaning solutions.
A carpet steam cleaning machine is used that cleans the carpet with steam and cleaning solution. The steam is dispensed in a way that does not leave the carpet too wet.
The carpet should then be allowed to completely dry for approximately six hours before replacing any furniture on it.
Need a professional, high-quality steam-cleaning service? Ask now for a quote.